Hi everyone!

Welcome to the (online) home of The Dashboard Danglers.

The Dashboard Danglers are currently a 3-piece band. We started out as a 5-piece group, but last year 2 members, Rebecca Bakker and Marcel de Groot left the band. We wish them lots of love and the best of luck with their new endeavours! We play our own originals and mix it live with some classic pop/rock/country songs from our favourite artists, that go well with our own material. We bring you the good vibes with our uplifting music and happy performance, delivered to you by 3 seasoned and inspired musicians with an amazingly strong vocal blend. We love the studio, but the stage is really our natural habitat.

Martin Bakker * Jaco Van Der Steen * Leon Klaasse

Coming up soon: our new single ‘Can we ever be friends again.

You can still buy our album: ‘The Dashboard Danglers’

It is for sale @ Sounds Haarlem and is available in stores worldwide. Retail price in the shop is €14,99 and if you want them to send it to your home it’s only €17,98.

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Subscribe now and whenever we have a new show, a new track or albumwe’ll let you know. We will keep you posted once in a month or every two weeks. Depending on how much news we’ve got to tell you! Don’t worry, if you have had enough, you can always unsubscribe from our mailing list. But hey, we’ll promise to only bring worthwhile news.

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